Intrigue Headlines: Best Trait Making People Can’t Help But Click!

Intrigue Headlines: Best Trait Making People Can’t Help But Click!

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It is one thing to write great content. But it is another thing to get it to read and ranked. This is where Intrigue Headlines come in. But how long should your headline be? What words should you use? What words should you avoid? Should you optimize it for search, or for social? Or both? There are certain formulas following which you will be able to write your headlines that will convince people to click on your content. Luckily, you are on the right track. We have come up with a simple formula for writing catchy headlines. But before just diving right in let us check out the reasons why your headline is super-important.

3 Prime Reasons Why Your Ads Need Intrigue Headlines:

Intrigue Headlines Gains Readership

If you don’t stop your readers with your headline, they may get caught by some other ad. Note that 80% of your ad budget will get wasted. The only purpose of a headline is to get people to read the first paragraph of your ad. The only purpose of the first paragraph is to get them to read the second paragraph, and so on. A headline is an engine that pulls the train. Note that a headline is “an ad for your ad.” It helps you to attract and select the kind of prospects and clients you want to have. 

Search Engine optimization (SEO)

A headline is the first thing your audience sees after plugging keywords into a search engine. The higher your content is ranked on the search engine results the more your page is directly correlated to your content’s click-through rate. This means that you need to consider keyword searches when drafting quality headlines. The keywords that are chosen within the headline determine where it ranks on the results page of a search engine. The easier it is to search for your content, the easier it is for readers to find.

Intrigue Headlines Gain more Engagement

Generally, whenever we read a headline, our minds have a tendency to predict the full story. Headlines with no such modification are actually predictable. Thus, discourages the reader to read further. Whereas catchy headlines engage our minds and initiate curiosity within ourselves.

7 Easy Steps To Write Intrigue headlines

To create great headlines, we must:

  • Firstly know who we are talking to
  • Secondly, understand what they care about
  • Know why they should buy from us
  • Understand the technical elements of writing a great headline
  • Finally distinguish between what does and doesn’t get results

1. Start with numbers

The internet exists for efficiency. If you have been following this series on copywriting, you know that people are looking for answers quickly. We want expert advice, broken down into chunks. A list gives us exactly what we want. We also know we are going to get a nice, easy structure broken down into bitesize pieces and scannable chunks. Not only that, but it’s like eye candy. There’s something exciting about the number against the words that sparks attention.

2. Try being hyper-specific

Remember, people are scanning the internet for quick and specific answers. Tell them exactly what they can get if they click on your link. If they are interested in your subject, they are 100% going to click on your article. Sometimes, you don’t need to be funny or clever. All you need is just to get to the point.

3. Use a Unique Rationale

The word “rationale” means “an underlying reason why something should be done.” If you want people to read your content, do you have a good reason why they should? You need to make sure that your headlines appeal to people who will. To avoid wasting time on content, give people a strong reason why they should click, read and above all: share your content. Some of the rationales that you can include in your headlines are:

  • Tips
  • Reasons
  • Tricks
  • Ideas
  • Ways
  • Principles
  • Facts
  • Secrets
  • Strategies

4. Use Positive/Superlative Words

Any good writer will tell you that superlatives are dangerous. They are almost always wrong and they make for heavy writing. But, note that they make for powerful conversion rates. Headlines and titles are your excuse to use hyperbole and over-the-top language. Because it works. Note that our brain connects with exciting adjectives. They jump off the page and grab your reader’s eye. Try these words in your next title:

  • Incredible 
  • Exciting 
  • Intriguing 
  • Magnificent 
  • Jaw-dropping 

This type of word catches your readers’ attention while they’re scrolling through hundreds of articles.

5. Connect Emotionally

A good copy is more than just standing out and capturing attention. Good copy makes an emotional connection with the reader. It inspires and empowers them. It moves them to click the link and take action. So, try to go deeper than fancy words and number tricks. Try to make a personal connection with your headline. Note that a great copy works when it stops being words on a page and starts being a real conversation. Buyer’s mind gets triggered when it gets in their head and actually connects with them.

6. Try using SEO Keywords

First and foremost, try to create a compelling title that people will devour and click on. Secondly, inject keywords that Google will discover and rank highly. Make sure you have a strong list of keywords that define your website and product. Slot them into your titles wherever you can. Get the content perfect first, then optimise for keywords.

7. Convey a Sense Of Urgency

Unless you infuse your headline with urgency, your readers are likely to put off reading your content or possibly bookmark it and never come back to it again. The purpose is to get readers to click your headline now. Your own case may not be health-related, but we are all in the same boat. Everybody is looking for the propelling force that will nudge them to do something right now and not put it off until tomorrow or next year. That’s what urgency does when you use it in your headline writing.

It is advisable to connect with a renowned ad agency. They will help you with copywriters who improve conversion rates when they strategically use a sense of urgency in their copy. Potential customers tend to respond quickly because their psychology is wired to persuade them to buy based on emotions, but to justify that decision based on logic.

Need Help Framing Intrigue Headlines for your Ad?

Take your time with the writing of post titles. Many writers pour a lot of effort into writing interesting and engaging articles, but then just slap any old title onto it without realising that in doing so they might be ensuring that their article is never read. Treat your title as a mini advertisement for your work. Take at least a few minutes before hitting ‘Publish’ to not only make sure your post is in order but that your title is going to do everything it can to maximize the chances that people will engage with what you have to say. We Make Sure you don’t have to struggle for the same. Connect with us for the best results and experience.



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