Make Your Newspaper Ad Informative, Not Bragging

Make Your Newspaper Ad Informative, Not Bragging

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When readers leaf through their daily newspaper and chance upon an ad of a product or service, it is on an average 8 seconds they spend looking at it or reading it. So technically, brands and companies have a span of 7 seconds to strike the right chord with their readers. That is the reason newspaper ads need to be spot on. Talking about “me” will leave the brand unattended while talking about the consumers’ needs will take away the prize.

In today’s scenario, when most of the products and services are buyer’s market, bragging does not really work. It is not as necessary as establishing your points of difference. So, just be informative, let people know what value they can expect from your brand and they will decide whether or not to buy you.  

How can newspaper advertising be done right?

Take Horlicks for example. A newspaper ad by Horlicks tells you what the five signs of growth are and why a child needs essential nutrients, etc. It also harps on the fact that consuming the supplement makes a kid taller, stronger and sharper. So, this ad makes you, the reader, realise what his/her growing child needs (Information). To give them what they need, the parent would buy Horlicks. That’s what successful newspaper advertising is all about.

In another ad, the brand compares its own product with that of a competitor brand and by highlighting its sustainable competitive advantage, it tries to prove why it is superior to its peers. But that comes at a later stage (persuasion). Even when you are at the ‘Remind’ stage, you must keep reminding your buyers of the values they have been getting from your brand.

Simply put, customers care a hang about you, the service provider. Rather they are concerned about “What’s in it for me?” Maybe you have business experience of decades. But trust us- customers would simply yawn at that. It is better to focus on the strengths that your brand possesses and not on the weakness of your competitors.

Print media is very relevant in advertising even in 2022
Read: Print Media: Is it still relevant in 2023?

Bragging through advertisement makes way for overpromise

Often bragging about your brand would reach such a point that you begin to overpromise. Advertising agencies that understand this are able to tone down such tendencies of their clients through good copies and ad layout design. They know that bluffing and bragging is a dangerous combination and customers may eventually lose interest and trust in the brand. So, they do the content writing or copywriting accordingly.

It is especially important with newspaper advertising because the target market is actually interested in the news feed. Advertisements within the news segments may actually put the readers off. Thus ads need to be such that they can catch the mood of the reader. While being informative, advertising agencies should also be attentive towards being attractive. Information and attraction is again a dangerous combination, but on a positive note!

Haier and Amazon are some brands which leads the path of minimalistic newspaper advertising. A refrigerator with an upside down concept or the logo of Amazon is all these brands publish in their newspaper ads.

And why only big brands, you talk about start-ups, MSMEs, and even individuals like performing artists and people in the beauty and grooming business. All they aim to do is highlight their offerings and strengths for which their target audience will opt for them. Today’s best advertising agencies are doing it for them through creative advertorials and occasion-based advertising. Think about the food guide special features in one of Kolkata’s leading dailies, The Telegraph t2. The entire page is dedicated to ads given by small to big restaurants. All you have there is menu highlights, prices, and location details of 6 to 7 eateries. The foodies in general (read consumers) get the information they are looking for and the restaurants achieve their advertising objectives- newspaper ad done right!

Newspaper advertisement is a leading source for better targeting
Read: Newspaper Advertising: A leading resource for your growth!


So, there you have it. Newspaper advertising is important in marketing for it reaches a great number of people every day. Also, with an “educated” target market, you can do more experiments with branding and advertising. With each passing day, the market is becoming more and more competitive. More numbers of competitors are joining making the whole situation tougher. True, you have to put your best foot forward but blurting out your greatness won’t win you the pie. In short, inform, don’t just brag!

For publishing ads in newspapers- advertorials, world day special features, and thematic ads, click here.

The process of giving an advertisement in the newspaper.
Read: How to Give An Advertisement In a Newspaper?



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